Statement from Connie Neal, New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Executive Director Regarding the Racially Motivated Attack in Buffalo, NY


CONTACT: Connie Neal, Executive Director


May 18, 2022


The New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NYSCADV) condemns the attacks in Buffalo this past weekend. As an organization that has worked for more than 40 years to prevent and stop violence, we are devastated and outraged by this senseless act of violence targeting Black communities. We grieve with and send our condolences to the families and loved ones of Roberta Drury, Margus Morrison, Andre Mackniel, Aaron Salter, Geraldine Talley, Celestine Chaney, Heyward Patterson, Katherine Massey, Pearl Young, and Ruth Whitfield and their communities.

This targeted hate crime, fueled by white supremacy, is yet another example that shines a glaring spotlight on the racial inequities that have long been foundational within our society, systems and institutions in New York and throughout the United States. 

NYSCADV remains steadfast and resolute in our commitment and responsibility to address and confront not just domestic and gender-based violence but all forms of violence and oppression. And, we will work to create the social change necessary for its ending. We believe that living a life free of violence is a fundamental human right for all. We stand in solidarity with allies in this critical work of creating a world where all can live free from oppression. 



Established in 1978, NYSCADV is nonprofit organization that is designated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as the information clearinghouse, primary point of contact, and resource center on domestic violence for the State of New York. NYSCADV is responsible for supporting the development of policies, protocol, and procedures to enhance domestic violence intervention and prevention and also provides education and technical assistance to the network of primary-purpose domestic violence service providers statewide.