NYSCADV staff members participate on a number of state and national committees, projects and contracts. The projects and their leadership include:

The Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Council

A voluntary association of domestic violence coalitions working in partnership with allied national organizations committed to enhancing the capacity of state/territory domestic violence coalitions and community-based domestic violence programs to advance a comprehensive national prevention agenda and broaden support for its full implementation at the national, state, territory and local levels.

Protecting Victims Through Community Supervision of Intimate Partner Abusers

Led by the American Probation and Parole Association and funded by the Office on Violence Against Women, the goal of this project is to build the capacity of community corrections personnel to respond more effectively to domestic violence cases through a variety of training programs designed to develop expertise and skills in promoting victim safety and offender accountability. Through this project, APPA and its partner organizations,the New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NYSCADV) and the Battered Women’s Justice Project (BWJP) will provide basic-, intermediate-, and advanced-level training to community corrections staff, and will develop and deliver specialized training and technical assistance.