NYSCADV Budget Advocacy Day

On February 28th more than 100 advocates and survivors from around the state came together to demand full funding for victim services and living wages for domestic violence advocates. Our voices were loud and strong as we chanted, marched, and held meetings with members of the Governor’s office and legislators. Our goal is to ensure that the NYS budget includes $134.4 million to cover the federal shortfall in Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) funding so that DV programs and other victim services organizations can continue to support survivors. 

We expressed support for the Survivors Access Financial Empowerment Fund which would provide $10 million of direct financial assistance to domestic violence survivors. Personal safety and economic security are inextricably linked for domestic violence victims so this Fund can be an essential support for survivors on the path to safety.

New York State has the highest demand for DV services in the country. Advocates are providing survivor-centered, trauma -informed services day and night. However, staff at residential and non- residential domestic violence programs have historically been left out of state cost-of-living salary adjustments (COLA) aimed at the nonprofit human services sector. We strongly advocated for the Governor and the Legislature to stabilize the domestic violence sector’s workforce by including domestic violence advocates in the group of human service workers eligible for this year’s COLA.

Stay tuned to see if these proposals are included in the Final State Budget! Consider reaching out to your legislators and the Governor to urge them to ensure the continuity and sustainability of victim services in New York. And know that no matter what, we will continue standing up for survivors and advocates. 

Save-the-Date: NYSCADV’s Legislative Day of Action on May 14

Join us in Albany on May 14th as advocates across NYS come together to urge elected officials to support legislation which will strengthen victim services and expand the rights of domestic violence victims. On our agenda for the day will be legislation that prioritizes child safety in Family Court proceedings, ensure that victims of domestic violence are not held liable for coerced debt, and provide domestic violence advocates with a living wage. Registration for the May 14th event will be launched soon.