Join Us This Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Support the #Every1KnowsSome1 Campaign

Eery 1 Knows Some 1: Domestic Violence Awareness Month

This October, during Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), the New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NYSCADV), a leading nonprofit dedicated to advocating for survivors and eradicating domestic violence, is proud to partner with the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), Other State DV Coalitions and Domestic Violence Services Providers across the US and its territories in the national campaign for Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM.) This nationwide collaboration brings attention to the widespread, often hidden nature of domestic violence and calls upon communities to come together to address this pressing public health crisis.


Domestic Violence Awareness Month, observed annually in October, provides an important opportunity for communities across the nation to unite in raising awareness about domestic violence, amplifying the voices of survivors, and mobilizing resources to prevent further harm. Domestic violence affects people of all backgrounds, yet it remains an issue that is frequently misunderstood or minimized.

The #Every1KnowsSome1 campaign emphasizes that domestic violence is not a distant or rare occurrence. In fact, it is likely that each of us knows someone who has experienced domestic violence, whether we realize it or not.

Statistics paint a stark reality:

  • One in three women will experience some form of domestic violence in her lifetime.
  • One in four men will also face abuse.
  • Nearly half of LGBTQ+ individuals will experience domestic violence.

These numbers underscore that domestic violence is not an isolated issue but rather a systemic problem that demands collective, community-based solutions. No one should have to face abuse alone, and no one should feel that domestic violence is a private matter that cannot be discussed. This October, let’s break the silence and stand together to end domestic violence.

Get Involved

Participate in one of a series of events and activities throughout the month to encourage open dialogue, raise awareness, and inspire action. We invite all community members, local organizations, and allies to support survivors and work towards a future free from violence. Here are some key ways to participate:

  • Attend a Local Event: From educational workshops to candlelight vigils, community forums, and survivor-centered events, there are numerous ways to engage. Check out our calendar of statewide activities to learn what your local domestic violence program is doing to mark DVAM, and be sure to join us in these vital conversations and actions.
  • Social Media Campaign: Help spread the message of hope and empowerment by engaging with us online. Throughout October, we’ll be sharing survivor stories, resources, and educational content using the hashtag #Every1KnowsSome1. Please share your own stories or messages of support to show survivors they are not alone and that their community stands with them.
  • Purple Thursday: Mark your calendars for Thursday, October 17, Purple Thursday. Purple is the color of the domestic violence awareness movement, symbolizing peace, courage, survival, and dedication to ending abuse. Share a selfie wearing your purple on social media using the hashtags #PurpleThursday, #DVAM, and #Every1KnowsSome1. Let’s create a sea of purple to show support!
  • GiveForDV: On Thursday, October 24, participate in the official Give For DV Day of Giving. Whether you make a donation or organize your own fundraiser, every contribution helps support the critical services survivors need as they rebuild their lives free from violence. Encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to get involved and help make a lasting impact.

Domestic violence is not a private issue—it is a community issue. By acknowledging its prevalence and engaging in meaningful conversations and actions, we can collectively work toward ending it. Through our DVAM events, NYSCADV aims to foster a culture of support, where survivors feel heard, believed, and empowered to seek the help they deserve.

Your participation matters. Together, we can create safer, healthier communities where everyone is free from the threat of violence. Join us this Domestic Violence Awareness Month and help us raise awareness, support survivors, and take action to end domestic violence once and for all.