Prevention Listening Session- NYSCADV Back to School Primary Prevention

Tuesday, August 6, 2024
1:00 pm2:00 pm

Facilitator: Lorien Castelle, Director of Prevention, NYSCADV

NYSCADV’s 10th Annual Primary Prevention Summit will be held on November 18-19 in Schenectady, NY. In preparation, we want to hear from you to assist us in determining the most fitting programming that meets your priority areas of focus.

Primary prevention efforts and support for developing healthy relationship behaviors through an intersectional lens that promotes health and racial equity are crucial to stopping violence before it starts. Join us at our Listening Session to share your insights and help shape the agenda for the summit. Your feedback will be invaluable as we plan workshops and sessions focused on promising practices from experts in the field.

Together, we can create safer communities and foster lasting change. Don’t miss this opportunity to make your voice heard and contribute to our mission and focus for our annual prevention summit and beyond.