NYSCADV offers training and technical assistance to our member programs and community partners. This is a vital component of working to fulfill our mission. Training and technical assistance topics include (but are not limited to):

  • trauma-informed, victim-centered service provision and program development
  • laws and regulations and their impact on service provision
  • accessibility and inclusivity
  • analysis of special considerations for historically marginalized communities
  • community collaboration
  • program evaluation
  • systems advocacy
  • technology safety
  • expert witness testimony
  • evidence based practice
  • funding
  • legislation
  • prevention and social change

NYSCADV delivers training and technical assistance in a variety of ways including: events and training forums (in person or technology based); contact with local programs and allied organizations seeking the guidance of NYSCADV regarding state and national laws, rules and regulations, and information about best practices; and contact with victims seeking the assistance of NYSCADV when they have found that their situation may be too complicated for the existing services to provide an adequate response. Our training and technical assistance work provides us vital information about the needs of victims of domestic violence across New York State. We continually assess trends through these modes of information gathering and, in turn, NYSCADV staff routinely meets with our statewide partners to identify ways to address the concerns of the community. 

If you have any questions regarding training or technical assistance, please contact us.